A Weekend Brewery Tour in Missoula

A Weekend Brewery Tour in Missoula

    It is no secret that to the locals, that Missoula is filled with great breweries. I realized it had been way too long since I had last visited a Missoula brewery. So, to cure my long overdue absence, I decided it was time to make my rounds. Missoulians go to different breweries in town to experience different things. Some of the breweries in town are great spots to grab a quick beer after work or on the weekend. Others are great spots to order a meal and stay for a while.

Stop 1: Draught Works Brewery

Draught Works is situated just barely outside the heart of downtown on Toole Street. The high wooden ceilings make for great acoustics for live bands. In the summertime the walls of the brewery open up to a wrap-around patio. Beers on tap have sassy names like, “That’s What She Said” cream ale and “Low Self Esteem” California Common Lager. My favorite part of Draught works is that they sell cheese curds and offer a free tray of snack mix. I’m a sucker for beer and cheese. But if beer and cheese isn’t your thing and you’re still hungry, they have a food truck situated just outside or your can bring your own food in.

Tip: Draught Works is a brewery you definitely want to follow on Facebook. They always have seasonal specials like Pumpkin Pie Mexican Chocolate Porter, Scandinavily Clad Baltic Porter, and treats like beer floats and Flying Red Carpet Scottish Ale Ice Cream between Salted Oatmeal White Chocolate Cookie Sandwhich. Basically, you never know what you could be missing out on.

Stop 2: Kettlehouse Brewing Company

Kettlehouse has two different locations, one on the Southside of Downtown and one on the Northside of Downtown. Kettlehouse has classics mainstays like Cold Smoke Scotch Ale, Lake Missoula Amber and Double Haul IPA and seasonal picks like Fresh Bongwater Pale Ale and Santa’s Slayer Winter Ale. It is always a real treat when you can catch one of your favorites on Nitro.

 Tip:  The staff at Kettlehouse brewery knows their beer, so pick their brains and ask questions.  You never know what information could be handy to know at a Trivia Night.  Come early, the place can get full quickly but that speaks to the great selection and atmosphere that Missoulians love.

Stop 3:  Big Sky Brewing Company

Big Sky Brewing Company is located just off of the interstate and near the airport on Trumpeter Way.  While visiting the Taproom you can enjoy beers like Moose Drool Brown Ale, Scape Goal Pale Ale and Trout Slayer wheat Ale, along with some seasonal choices like Summer Honey, Powder Hound Winter Ale and Bobo’s Robust Poerter.  While you are there, be sure to check out the staircase to the mezzanine, you can look right into the brewhouse.

 Tip:  If you send a message or give them a call, you can schedule a guided tour of the brewhouse.  They love to show people around!  The Taproom is only open during the day until around 6pm.

My weekend brewery tour thoughts:

This was a fun way to spend the weekend, and I got to try some great local brews and picked up a few trivia facts along the way.  There are several other breweries in Missoula, but that is an adventure for another weekend.

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