3 Things You Need to Eat at the Western Montana Fair

3 Things You Need to Eat at the Western Montana Fair

Written by Rio Harris

The Western Montana Fair is vast for a first time-r, it can be a little overwhelming. Sure, you can find your way to the rodeo, petting zoo and rides, but what do you do in between? Snack, of course! Who can go to the fair without caving for some deep fried goodness? We sure can’t.

The Western Montana Fair has your universal fair goodies: extra-long hot dogs, stacks of curly fries the size of your head and funnel cakes. If you’ve spent any time in Montana, you know we can’t just leave “universals” alone. So in the interest of time, and delicious snacks we give you our list of the 3 Things You Need to Eat at the Western Montana Fair:


Viking at the Western Montana Fair

Think corn dog, substitute the hot dog for a sausage, then imagine your grandma’s best homemade batter surrounding it and multiply your delicious day dream by two. That’s a Viking.

Pro tip: One probably won’t be enough, stock up.


Lemondairy & Huckleberry Shakes:

Lemondairy Shake

The fair can get a little hot, but we never seem to notice with one of these cold treats in our hands. Try a huckleberry shake for a taste of the Montana mountains, or a Lemondairy for a slushy with an ice cream surprise!

Pro tip: Add huckleberry to your Lemondairy.


Fried Cheese Curds:

Cheese Curds

When a food stand only has one item, you know they mean business. The line may be long, but that’s how you know they’re good. These cheesy nuggets are a couple steps above your run of the mill cheese sticks.

Pro tip: Try them with ranch.

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